Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Next up on the reading list...

"Going Rogue".

As I have forsworn politics here, I guess I can't say anything more. ;-)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Tiger doesn't read?

Or rather, I don't read enough.

Silly way to put it -- I spend all my days reading. I do almost nothing but.

However... I have a bad habit. I have a whole stack of books I have bought this year and not read the whole way through.

Mainly they're political and historical, but some novels are in there, too...

Right now, I've got a book on foreign policy by Bush and Scowcroft, a biography of Cheney, and others just kicking around, collecting dust... The last book I read through was John Fleming's "The Anti-Communist Manifestos"...

So that's why I haven't been posting over the last while -- I felt guilty.

But I shall feel guilty no longer -- I shall make all the non-political posts I want, whatever their topic.

Even if none of them are about reading...

Google Stalker

Gmail is an amazing thing.

I love it -- I filter all my e-mail through my account there -- college alumni addresses, whatever.

But sometimes it scares me.

I made a throwaway reference to it being time for me to have lunch "on a lovely Sunday afternoon" in an e-mail to a friend (I'd already peppered her with short missives on a given topic that day, and was thus promising that I was done filling her inbox), and what did Google present me with?


It knows what I'm up to...